Important Information and Manuals

Important Information and Manuals

Dear Exhibitor,

The Exhibition will be held in conjunction with the 2nd Joint Congress of the INS European Chapters which will take place September 2-4, 2021 at the Palais de Congrèss of VIPARIS. Please read the information presented. It will take you very little time now and could save you a great deal of time later.
Please forward this information to everyone who is working on this project, including your stand builder, as it contains useful information about the Exhibition.

Exhibitors and Supporters Portal

Each exhibitor/supporter has received an e-mail with login details to access the Portal. The Portal enables Supporters and Exhibitors to:

  • Submit Company logo and profile
  • Order Lead retrieval (Badge scanners)
  • Order exhibitor badges
  • Submit booth drawing (for “Space Only” booths)
  • Submit other deliverables as per contract

Link to access the Portal


  • The login details has been sent to the person signing the contract. This person is responsible for passing on the login details to third party if needed.
  • Access to all Portal services will be available only after submission of your company profile and logo.
  • Only deliverables as indicated in your contract, should be submitted via the Portal. Items not included in your contract will not be processed.


Set-up Wednesday, 1 September 08:30-18:00 (Space Only booths)
12:30-18:00 (All booth types)
 Thursday, 2 September 08:00 – 12:00 (Decoration only, quiet set-up)


Opening Hours

Thursday, 2 September 18:30 – End of Welcome Reception
Friday, 3 September 10:00 – 18:00
Saturday, 4 September 10:00 – 18:00
Dismantling Saturday, 4 September

18:00 – 19:30 (Quite Dismantling)

Smaller stands may pack their decoration and promotional material. Bigger stands are allowed to begin dismantling; however, no noise-making machines are permitted. This is to ensure that noise resulting from the dismantling will not disturb adjacent session halls.

19:30- 23:30 (Dismantling)

Important notes:

  • Timetable is subject to change.
  • Empty crates and packaging material must be removed after set-up and no later than Wednesday, 1 September at 18:00. All aisles must be clear of exhibits and packaging materials to enable cleaning.
  • All exhibitors should be at their booth 30 minutes before the official opening hour.
  • Dismantling of the booths before the official hour is not permitted.
  • It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to dispose of all materials after dismantling. Any equipment, display aid or other material left behind after Saturday, September 4th at 23:30 will be considered discarded and abandoned. Any charges incurred for waste removal will be sent to the exhibitor.
  • Please note we will have a security guard at night from the moment the exhibition is closed until the following day when we open.Please do not leave any visible valuable articles at your booth. In addition, please consider hiring extra security for your booth before\after Exhibition operating hours if needed.

Welcome Reception

You are cordially invited to the Opening Ceremony at 17:00 – Amphitheatre Bordeaux followed by a Welcome Reception which will be held in the Exhibition Hall at 19:20.

Exhibition – Deadlines & Key Dates

Action Item


Contact Person

Company profile

As soon as possible


Via Kenes Exhibitor’s Portal

Designed Booth Approval


Wednesday, July 30th 2021

Text for Fascia

(Shell Scheme stands only)

Lead Retrieval Wireless Barcode Reader

Wednesday, July 30th 2021

Badge Order

Available only after submitting company profile


Please contact Registration Manager

Shirley Milner

Furniture Rental

Friday, August 20th 2021

20 % Surcharges will apply after the deadline

Stand fitting \ Graphics and Signage\ Booth construction

The D&P Exhibitors services department

Cindy Ibarra

Tel: +33 1 34 84 84 84


For furniture catalogue please click here.


Please contact directly the Catering Company to advise you for deadlines.






Monday, August 30th 2021


Surcharges will apply after the deadline


You may place an order online

Event name: e-INS

Booth Cleaning

Telecommunications (Telephone, Wi-Fi, Laptop, Desktop)

Flowers Decoration


Door to Door Shipments


Please contact MERKUR




Mr. Bernd Blum

Airfreight Shipments – Arrival to recommended airport

Shipment via Germany Warehouse

No later than August 24th 2021

Exhibition goods – Direct

Deliveries to Congress Venue

September 1st Subject to time slot

NB! Please note there should be a person from your side to receive your Deliveries.


NB: all vehicles must register on at LOGIPASS platform to access the venue during the set-up, dismantling and delivery period

“K-Lead” Application – Barcode Scanner Application

Lead Retrieval systems are a helpful tool for receiving participants’ contact information when they visit your booth. The information obtained by lead retrieval system enables Exhibitors to enhance their database by securing valuable leads for further marketing and communication.

We are pleased to offer you the “K-Lead” Application: exhibitors can download the “K-Lead” app onto their own smart phone or tablet and transform their device into an instant, easy lead retrieval system and capture participants’ full contact information with a quick scan of their badge.

The advantages of the “K-Lead” application:

  • Effortless process using registration badge barcode.
  • Allows to immediately view the leads information.
  • Ability to insert exhibitor’s comments for each lead.
  • Application is available for download from Apple store or Google play: “K-Lead App”.
  • Cost per unit – EUR 400 (exluding 4% credit card charges fees, excluding VAT if applicable)

The Application should be installed on your company/personal device.
Operational information will be sent in due course.

To order “K-Lead” Application, please access the Exhibitor’s Portal

Deadline: Friday, 30 July

Please note:

  • In light of the new data protection regulation recently enacted in Europe, Kenes Group has updated its privacy policy. You can view our updated privacy notice here.
    Kenes will not share delegate’s personal data with third parties without their consent.
    Please note that similarly to sharing a business card, presenting delegate badge for scanning at exhibition booths or industry symposia constitutes an expression of consent to share their personal details with the company that is scanning their badge so that it may contact them in the future.
  • Barcodes on delegate’s badges contain contact information as supplied by the delegate or the agency responsible for the registration process of the delegate. We regret that in some cases, as when group registration is completed by a company, we may not be in possession of the full contact details.
  • In addition, please note that neither Kenes Group nor the Organising Committee is responsible for the content of the information.
  • Device is not included. If you wish to rent a device, please check with us cost and stock availability.
  • Mini Scanners devices are available for Symposia only.

Exhibitor Badges

Each exhibiting company is entitled to free exhibitor badges. The amount of free exhibitor badges is stated in your contract and determined by your stand size.

Two exhibitor badges will be given for the first 9 sqm booked and one additional badge for each 9 sqm after.

Exhibitor badges will be prepared for you to collect on-site (they will not be mailed in advance).

Exhibitor badges are generic and state the name of the company only, in order that they may be used interchangeably between staff members. Therefore, there is no need to submit individual names.
Exhibitors are required to access the Exhibitor’s Portal and provide the name of the company they wish to be displayed on the badges (otherwise the company name as appear on your application form will be printed on the badge).

Additional exhibitor badges may be purchased via the Registration Manager.

Access to the Exhibition Hall during Set-up and Dismantling Times

All company representatives are required to wear exhibitor badges to access the Exhibition. Company representatives not wearing their badges will not be allowed to access the Exhibition. Exhibitor badges are for the use of company personnel manning the booth and should not be used to bring visitors to the Exhibition.

Stand builders and staff must wear service passes during the entire set-up and dismantling period. Service Passes are free of charge and may be collected from the Exhibition Manager Desk on-site.

NB: all vehicles must register on at LOGIPASS platform to access the venue during the set-up, dismantling and delivery period

Rules and Regulations – Binding for All Exhibitors and Their Subcontractors

It is not permitted to bring animals into the venue.

Build-Up & Dismantling Period

  • During the period of build-up and dismantling, it is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages in the working area as well as to perform work under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
  • The Exhibitors and contractors are required to wear the necessary personal protective equipment such as safety footwear, protective helmets, eye protection, and hand protection required by the specific work activity.
  • NB: all vehicles must register on at LOGIPASS platform to access the venue during the set-up, dismantling and delivery period

No person under the age of 16 years can be admitted to the Exhibition, either during build‐up, open days or breakdown. This rule also applies to Exhibitors’ children and must be rigidly enforced to comply with the safety regulations of the exhibition.

Compressed Gases
Use of compressed gases is not allowed.

Damage to the Building
Exhibitors are liable for all damage caused to floors, walls, and pillars during the installation, Exhibition, and dismantling periods. No adhesive stickers and fixtures of any kind are allowed on floors, walls, and pillars.

Disposal of Material
It is obligatory to collect and dispose of all material during the build-up or dismantling of the exhibition. When the dismantling period is over, the exhibitor loses any right to claim losses or damage to property left behind. Any costs incurred by the venue in removing this property will be charged to the exhibitor.

Fire Regulations

  • Booth material and fittings must be non-flammable or impregnated with fire-retardant chemicals.
  • As a general rule, easily inflammable synthetic substances, foam polyester, and no fireproof straw and reeds are prohibited.

Fire Insurance (compulsory)
Exhibitors must be insured against fire.

Health & Safety

  • It is the responsibility of the booth holder to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors and visitors as far as is reasonably practicable throughout the event.
  • It is recommended that the booth holders appoint a supervisor for the booth, with the specific responsibility for ensuring the health & safety of their staff and stand builders. It is advisable that a Risk Assessment is completed for the booth and submitted to the organisers.

Hanging of Posters, Banners etc.
Hanging of posters, banners or decals, stickers or similar items, on the walls, floors, ceilings, or pillars within or outside the installations of the venue are not allowed without a prior written authorisation.

Insurance (compulsory)

  • Neither the organisers nor the venue, their representatives or agents will be held responsible for any loss or damage to exhibitor’s property. Exhibitors must take precautions to protect their property against pilferage.
  • The organisers do not provide insurance for exhibitors and their property. The exhibitor is responsible for his property and person and for the property and persons of his employees through full and comprehensive insurance and shall hold harmless the organisers for any and all damage claims arising from theft and those perils usually covered by a fire and extended-coverage policy. Therefore, you are obliged to have a public liability insurance that covers all injuries to persons and damages that might cover in connection with the exhibition.
  • Exhibitors are personally liable for all expenses incurred by the organisers or by third parties in regard to technical services provided.
  • We also recommend that you have additional coverage against loss or damage to exhibition material during transport and during exhibition times. Please make arrangements for insurance coverage through your company’s insurer.


  • Exhibitors are responsible for all property damage as well as any loss or injury caused by their property, agents or employees. Companies will indemnify the organisers against all claims and expenses arising from any damages.
  • If for any reason whatsoever the Exhibition needs to be abandoned, postponed, or altered in any way, either in whole or part, or if the organisers find it necessary to change the dates of the Exhibition, the organisers shall not be liable for any expenditures, damages or loss incurred in connection with the Exhibition.
  • The organisers shall further not be liable for any loss which the Exhibition or Exhibition contractors may incur due to the intervention of any authority which prevents or restricts the use of the venue or any part thereof in any manner whatsoever.

Music (Authors and publisher rights)
Please note that the organiser have no copyright responsibility in respect of any exhibiting company. Exhibitors are reminded that third party copyrights should not be infringed.
Proper dispensation must be obtained and any royalties due, paid prior to the use of materials. Should any copyright dispute arise, the organisers will not be liable for any resulting loss or damages, sustained by any exhibitor or third party.

Promotional Activities

  • All demonstrations or instructional activities must be confined to the limits of the Exhibition booth.
  • Advertising material and signs may not be distributed or displayed outside the exhibitor’s booth.
  • Advertising activities must not cause obstructions or disturbances in the gangways or at neighbouring booths.
  • Sound equipment must be regulated and directed into the booth so that it does not disturb neighboring exhibits.
  • The Exhibition Manager reserves the right to require the exhibitor to discontinue any activity, noise, or music that is deemed objectionable.

Special Effects
Special effects lighting, live music, smoke and laser projection may not be used in the booths.
No permission will be given for projection in the aisles or on the walls of the hall.

Smoking Policy
The Sheraton operates a NO SMOKING policy in all halls and the entire  premises.

Waste Removal
Exhibitors are responsible for the removal of all refuse/waste from the Exhibition area. Any discarded waste, including promotional material, left behind will be removed by the organisers at the expense of the exhibitor concerned.

Participation by exhibitors is dependent upon compliance with all rules, regulations and conditions stated herein.

Exhibition Floor Plan & List of Exhibitors

The floor plan has been designed to maximize the exhibitor’s exposure to the delegates.
For most updated floor plan and list of exhibitors, please click here


The catering in Le Palais des Congrés de Paris is exclusive.

Exhibitors who wish to order food and beverages for their Exhibition Booths, please contact:

*Due to COVID 19 regulations exhibitors ae required to put tables and chairs in their booth in order to offer coffee and water. The current regulation are allowing to consume F&B only while seated.

In-Booth Cleaning

The Organizers will arrange for general cleaning of the Exhibition premises (excluding booths inside) prior to the daily opening hours.

For ordering daily Booth cleaning, please refer to the online order forms:

Internet & Wi-Fi

A free Wi‐Fi access will be provided to all visitors, suitable for basic web browsing. However, this is a public connection and is unsuitable if you will have any internet-based feature such as connecting to a server.

Should you require an internet connection for any product demonstrations on your Booth, we recommend ordering a wireless or wired connection, at an extra cost, to guarantee a high-quality service inclusive of technical support.

Exhibitors who wish to order internet connection to their Booth please refer to Viparis: Website:

Private Wi-Fi networking in your Booth is not allowed.

For additional information, please refer to the online order forms:



Neither the organizers nor the VIPARIS can accept responsibility for security of the stands and their contents or damage to and theft of any goods. Exhibitors are responsible for the security of their Booth and equipment.

The organizers will provide security guard services in the Exhibition Hall during closing hours. Individual Booth security may be ordered additionally.


Le Palais des Congrés de Paris has no storage facilities for empty containers and other materials required for the exhibition. Excess stock, literature or packing cases may not be stored on, around or behind stands, unless contained within a lockable storeroom, doors to which must have a vision panel. The venue does not have any storage facility for materials left on‐site outside of tenancy times. Any materials/items left at the end of the tenancy will be thrown away and a charge made to the individual Exhibitor/contractor concerned.

NB: all vehicles must register on at LOGIPASS platform to access the venue during the set-up, dismantling and delivery period

For shipping instructions and tariff please click here.

Kenes Group Contacts: 

eINS 2021 Organiser
Kenes Group

Rue François-Versonnex 7
1207 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel:  +41 22 908 0488
Fax:  +41 22 906 9140


Exhibition Manager & Industry Coordinator
Stephanie Stoyanova
Tel: +41 22 908 0488 Ext: 562 | E-mail:

Industry Liaison & Sales
Victoria Eskenazi
Tel: +41 22 9080488 Ext.986 | E-mail:

Registration Specialist
Shirley Milner
Tel: + 972 546 787 813 | E-mail:


Official Contractors:

Stand Construction / Additional Stand Fittings / Furniture Rental / Graphics & Signage
Official Onsite Logistic Agent / Material Handing, Customs & Transportation services
Hermes – Merkur
Tel: + 49 617 396 69 511
Mobile:  + 49 175 588 0291
Merkur is the exclusive handler inside the venue.


Stand fitting \ Graphics and Signage\
Booth construction
The D&P Exhibitors services department
Cindy Ibarra
Tel: +33 1 34 84 84 84
For furniture catalogue please click here

Booth Cleaning/ Graphics/Signage/ Telecommunications/ Flowers Decoration/Electricity

Tel: + 33 140 68 16 16




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